The DCP Application Process

The application process for the Disney College Program consists of three progressive stages:

  • Basic Application Form
  • Web-Based Interview
  • Phone Interview

Basic Application Form

The first step toward becoming a CP (College Programmer) is to head to the Disney Careers Website. Once there, create a personal dashboard by clicking the “Sign Up” button, and return to it whenever you like by clicking the “View Dashboard” button and signing in.

During the application period windows, which run from January to April for Fall semester and August to November for Spring semester, application forms will be found in your dashboard. This form requires applicants’ basic information as well as resume type information and a ranking of interested roles. The roles are ranked by “high interest,” “moderate interest,” “low interest,” or “no interest.” You will be considered for all roles that interest is marked in, whether it is high or low, but you will not be considered for a role marked with no interest.

This form usually takes 15 to 45 minutes to fill out. Once submitted, you will receive an email confirmation and a progress bar will appear in your dashboard. Applicants often receive feedback on whether or not they will be moving forward in the application process within a couple minutes, but this can also take a couple of days or even months. If you do not hear back right away, do not panic!

Web-Based Interview

If all goes well with your application form, you will receive an email asking you to participate in an online interview. This interview consists of two timed sections with multiple choice type questions and questions that ask you to rate how much you agree or disagree with a statement on a scale of 1-to-5. This takes around 40 minutes to complete, and applicants are usually informed whether or not they will be moving on in the process within a couple of minutes.

This stage is fairly simple and self explanatory. It is a quick way for the Disney Company to get a sense of your work ethic and attitude, so answer the questions honestly and don’t overthink them.

Disney College Program - Internships and Experiential Learning ...

Phone Interview

If the web-based interview is successful, the next step is to schedule a time to conduct a phone interview with a Disney Recruiter. The average phone interview lasts between 15 and 20 minutes, and it is recommended to block of a time period of one hour, starting 15 minutes before your scheduled interview time.

The interview usually starts with some basic information questions to make sure the recruiter knows who they are interviewing and go over some program information and guidelines. Then they will move into some experience and scenario type questions and ask about some of the specific roles the applicant expressed interest in. And just like that, it’s over. All the anxiety leading up to the phone interview, which turned into adrenaline during the interview, has now turned into ecstasy and you can’t help but dream of the day you are finally in the Magic Kingdom!

walt-disney-dream-quotes - Disney Dose

The next few weeks, or possibly months, of waiting for your acceptance letter will feel like an eternity, just remember whatever happens was meant to be. If you get accepted, CONGRATULATIONS! If you don’t, do not lose heart and please apply again. When the time is right, things will fall into place.

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